We believe the entire Salesforce community advances when we share openly and generously. These are some of our recent client success stories and thought leadership pieces.

Managed Administrative Service helps Nonprofits and Foundations Succeed with Salesforce
North Peak’s Managed Admin Service helps Nonprofits and Foundations Succeed with Salesforce.

Reflections on the Technology Association of Grantmakers (TAG) Annual Conference
Last month we attended the annual TAG conference with the goal of connecting with foundations. We...

A Holistic Approach to High-Functioning CRM and GMS Databases
North Peak provides services for Nonprofits and Foundations to become and stay data-driven with a high-functioning CRM or GMS system.

GreenWave: Designing a CRM for Transparency, Sustainability, & Scale
North Peak designed and implemented a Salesforce CRM that increased efficiency and streamlined processed for GreenWave.

The Role of a Salesforce Admin During and After Implementation
Creating powerful CRMs and setting up clients for long-term success is at the core of everything...

Hiring a Salesforce Admin
Hiring a Salesforce Administrator (aka “Admin”) is tough. Their technical talent often means...

Salesforce’s New Grants Management Solution: Outbound Funds Module
Foundations can leverage the full power of the Salesforce platform to create grants management systems that are tailored for their needs.

Tips for Migrating from NGO Connect to Nonprofit Success Pack
The first thing to do when planning for the move from NGOC is to create a vision for where you want to be in the future.

How 3 Organizations Are Using the Outbound Funds Module to Manage their Grantmaking Process
Outbound Funds Module helps grantmaking organizations manage grants and the distribution of other types of funds.

Becoming Mighty: What Small Teams Stand to Gain with Salesforce
Is Salesforce worth the investment for small orgs? We explore that question here. Spoiler: we believe it absolutely is.

Women for Women International: Leveraging CRM to Help an International Team Work Smarter
Implementing Salesforce to manage CRM needs has helped nonprofit Women for Women International manage their donors and programs efficiently.

A Strategic Salesforce CRM Lightning Transition with Chordoma Foundation
North Peak worked with Chordoma on a strategic CRM transition to Lightning, Salesforce’s modern user interface.