The Detroit Housing Network’s (DHN) mission is to create healthy neighborhoods and advance racial equity in communities by increasing housing stability and affordable homeownership for Detroit residents.

rebuilding together


DHN aimed to simplify the way Detroiters access housing services by streamlining the process from intake to application to service delivery to the tracking of outcomes and impacts. A system was needed to capture and share the vital information required to move residents through the various stages of the process and capture vital insights to share with stakeholders and improve service delivery.

Solution: Salesforce + the Hopekeeper app

North Peak was engaged to design and build out DHN’s Salesforce solution using the Homekeeper app as the underlying architecture for these affordable housing programs. The new solution provides Detroit residents with a universal intake process that makes it easier to understand what programs they are eligible for and streamlines the application process for each. In addition, DHN’s Salesforce facilitates the assignment of cases to program partners, automatically sharing necessary information for them to begin service delivery. Case outcomes and impacts are later gathered in the system for seamless reporting to funders and other stakeholders.