Collaborative CRM meetups are a chance for nonprofit leaders, staff, consultants and others to share ideas, resources and solutions for CRM practices.

Collaborative CRM meetups are a chance for nonprofit leaders, staff, consultants and others to share ideas, resources and solutions for CRM practices.
Outbound Funds Module is a flexible Salesforce-based grant management solution for nonprofits and foundations.
This post details critical Salesforce updates that users should be aware of to ensure continued functionality.
Collaborative CRM meetups are a chance for leaders, staff and others to share resources and best practices around CRM management.
Salesforce administrators are technically savvy self-starters who are motivated to learn and excited about taking on new challenges.
Outbound Funds Module is a flexible, scalable grant management solution suitable for nonprofits and foundations.
The Green Infrastructure Leadership Exchange is a community network seeking to accelerate green stormwater infrastructure implementation.
Outbound Funds Module built on the Salesforce platform is a flexible grant management solution for nonprofits and foundations.
This post continues our deep dive with single-Salesforce Collaborative CRM with recommendations for smoothing the path to success.
With Collaborative CRMs, organizations are empowering networks of nonprofits to increase performance and improve collaboration at all levels.
The North Peak team created a plan to produce a single, cohesive CRM solution, designed and built on Salesforce.
A Salesforce solution helped nonprofit Playtime Project to leverage technology to manage their development processes.